
  • Where it started

  • Where it’s headed

Where it started…

(The short version)

Pastor Fredy worked as a community development coordinator for Heart to Honduras for 15 years, managing projects according to the needs of the communities.

Over time, God called him to serve the remote communities and churches that were often overlooked.

God led Pastor Fredy to establish a church and began the holistic vision. After some time, Pastor Fredy’s reputation grew as well as his influence. He is respected and is regarded as a man of integrity and goodwill.

During the last years of working for Heart to Honduras, Pastor Fedy began to see a shift in focus from investing in the church leaders to the city leaders. While this decision is wise in regards to development, Pastor Fredy felt God’s hand pointing towards the churches and rural areas.

After much prayer, he resigned from his job and began working with churches and local leaders in remote communities full-time.

This was the beginning of ÉBED MINISTRIES, a call back to a vision designed by God to unite the body of Christ and develop sustainable solutions to end multidimensional poverty

Where it’s headed…

This is how it was in the early church, “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:46-47.

That is how we want today’s church to be. It isn’t just important, it’s necessary.

No matter your denomination, no matter your nationality or color, if you are a follower of Christ you are a brother. As brothers, we must be open and willing to share our resources and challenges with one another.

That is how you end multidimensional poverty within the church. The church then becomes a Lighthouse in its community by transforming its schools, infrastructure, and homes. This will inspire neighboring churches to partner and learn thus, spreading the kingdom to the ends of the Earth.